West End Addn Block 35 Card 1
WEST END ADDN BLOCK 35 CARD 1.tif WEST END BLOCK 35 Lot 6- Permit to 1st Nat'l Bank to erect & opera duplex and also to setback 15' on Utah St. & an apt over Res. 64870 Res. 65121 a gar 9-1-36 11-4-36 E95' Lot 1- Permit DENIED to Mason B. Boys, four fam apt house to witdin 11' of p.l. on Utah St. 7-29-29 W5' of Lot 6 & all 7- Permit to Rose G. Schweizer by Tifal & King to constr a sin fam res & an apt over the gar with a 4 1 rear yd & a 10' side yd (Ord 12175) Res. 73584 3-11-41 E95' of Lot 1- Permit to Margaret M, Pearson to conv sin fam res into duplex at 3446 Utah St. Res. 6892 10-15-52 Res. 6892 ABOVE 6 mo ext. Res. 7283 3-18-53 Lot 3- Permit to Arthur E. & Mary Neyer to const (as amended) 5 1 6 11 x 20' addn to exist 20' x 24' gar on lot with exist sin fam dwell; addn to result in bldg over 500 sq ft & more than 30' in total length obs O' rear yd & O' side yd wnere 20' rear & 4' side yds are req & resulting in approx 41.4~ coverage where 401, is perm at 3430 Utah St., north of Granada Ave. & south of Myrtle Ave., Zone R-1-5, 1-15-70