West End Block 15 Card 1
WEST END BLOCK 15 CARD 1.tif WEST END BLOCK 15 CARD #1 Lotsl & 2 & Lots 3-10, Blkl5 & st. clsg adj & Lots 1-12, Blk 6- Permit to S.D. Unified School Dist. to construct add to exist school plant, add to obs 0' SB from 28th St. & Utah st. c-2962 12-4-59 Lot 6- Permit APPROVED the amended request by AZA to JOHN W. AND LOLA B. GRAYBILL to remove existing two car garage and construct a 21 1 X 20.5 1 unit to be used as board and care facility unit, and provide two off-street parking spaces where 11 are required, at 3702 Utah Street, Zone R-2. Conditions. CUP 17388 9-21-81