West End Block 21 Card 1
WEST END BLOCK 21 CARD 1.tif WEST END BLOCK ~1 Lot 8- Permit to H.C. Hill, building in front of office. Also permit DENIED for a store at 3559 30th St. Oard #1 // res, used for barber shop & real estate Res. 51156 8-12-29 7-29-29 Lot 9- Permit DENIED to Victor Wilt- suspension of "C" 733 & 12321 to allow apt over a gar to within 7' of p.l. at 3569 30th St. 11-27-35 Lots 3-5- Permit to Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego to constr a 5' hi fence in front of SB line on west side of Ray St., north of Capps to enclose school playground. Res. 2118 3-14-47 Lots 1-5- Permit to Roman Catholic Bishop to erect 32' x 144 1 classrm bldg with 10' SB from Ray Str, west side betw Dwight & Capps Sts. Res. 3366 8-25-48 Lots 1 & 2- Roman Catholic Bishop DENIED req to const auditoriu~ with 5' SB from Ray St. at the SW cor of Dwight. Res. 3543 11-17-48----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1 & 2- Appeal filed on Res. 3543 by R.C. Bishop sustained & condl permit granted to const said auditorium with 5' SB. See Res. 92038 filed in book after Res. 3543. 12-14-48 L~t;-3:6-:-P;rnit-t;-Ro~an-Catholic Bishop to erect classroom bldg & convent 10' SB, Ray St. betw Capps & Dwight. Res. 3749 3-16-49