West End Block 22
WEST END BLOCK 22.tif WEST END BLOCK 22 ZONE RESTRAINING ORDER, taat, pending nearing of Zoning, Blk 22, the Building Inspector is directed NOT to issue permits contrary to provisions of Zone B. Res. 51274 8-26-29 Lot 3- Permit to Mrs. Carolyn Warner to erect a bedroom on the rear of an exist res which bas a 2' sideyd at 3574 30th St. provided a 5' rear yd is maint & also a 41 sideyd for the addn. Res. 1098 9-13-45 Lot 7- Permit to Geo. Solomon to erect 2 1 6" redwood lattice on exist 5' concrete blk wall on E lot line, 3555 29th St. Res. 4930 8-23-50