West End Block 28
WEST END BLOCK 28.tif WEST END BLOCK 28,v' ZONE RESTRAINING ORDER- That pending nearing of Zoning Blk 28, the Building Inspect~r is directed NOT to issue permits contrary to provisions of Zone B, Res, 51274 8-26-29 Lot 5- Permit to Wm. H. Trow to allow operation of art studio, 3512 29th St. R-4 (Ord. 12820) suspended. Res. 57696 12-14-31 Lot 10- Suspension of R-1 to allow plumbing snp 3529 Granada DENIED to Alice Ewing Ricks 2-26-34 Lot 4- ZA DENIED AS SUBMITTED Variance request of NORMAN CULLEN, ZA DENIED Item #1- request to construct a second-story addition to two dwelling units located within a one-story, side-by-side duplex on a lot developed with a total of two dwelling units, whire current zoning permits one dwelling unit; (2) said addition resul"ting in a 67 floor area ratio where.60 is the max. permitted; (3) said second-story addition obs. a 3 1-3" north, side yard where 4'-0" 1.ill required (existing deplex obs. 3 1-311 side yard); (4) eaves to obs. a l'-6" north side yard where a min, distance of 2'-6" from the property line is, required; but APPROVED an expansion to one unit only, and APPROVED, currently in violation (5) a 7'-0" high, comb. retaining wall/solid fence within the 4' side yard where a max, combined height of 9' is permitted, provided that the top 3 1 is 50% open in compliance with design criteria, located at 3520-26 29th Street, betw. Myrtle Ave. and Capps St., Rl-5000 Zone, Greater North Park Community Planning Area, Council District 3. Conditions. C-20968 7/10/92