West End Block 3
WEST END BLOCK 3.tif WEST END BLOCK 3 Lot 10- Permit to Richard Thorson to operate a live & dressed poultry & rabbit business Zone Cat 3829 Granada Ave. (Res. 414 Douglass St.). Res. 66427 8-31-37 Lot 7 & s of 8- Permit to Florence & Emily N. Chambers to convert an exist store bldg at 3807 Granada Ave. into living quarters & dactor offices & make addn with 0' sideyd. Res. 195 10-29-42 Lot 10- Permit to Nathan & Saran Raitzas, own; Ying Jung Hom, Peter Hom, Jack Cnan & Howard Chan, lessee; DBA Newlife Chinese Laundry, Inc. to conv exist bldg to use as wholesale & retail laundry with max of 10 emp., 1 truck & 40 horsepower (14 steam & 25 elec) at 3829 Granada Ave., Zone C, condl c-4276 8-11-61 2 yr ext to exp 8-11-65