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Development Services

West End Block 33

WEST END BLOCK 33.tif WEST END BLOCK 33 Lot 11- Permit to Bessie M. Taylor to allow erection of private gar with apt above at 3437 Granada. Res. 61221 12-26-33 Lot 6- Enrique Aldrate DENIED to erect Italian Inn, suspension of 12820. 12-7-31 ZONE RESTRAINING ORDER, that pending hearing of zoning, the Building Inspector is directed NOT to issue permits contrary to provisions of Zone B. Res. 51274 8-26-29 Lot 7- Permit to E,F. Bryans, own & Alfred H. & Eliz. c. MacPnail, purch to use par of exist sin fam res for conducting part time & limited law practice by E.C. MacPnail, with no structural change or modification to res, 3401 Granada Ave., NE cor Upas & Granada R-1 condl C-4014 4-14-61 Lot 11- Permit to George M. & Joy Greenleaf to const 12' x 12' addn to bedrm & batn of exist sin fam res located on par with apt over gar making 2 dwell units on an R-1-5 lot (Res. 61221) where one sin fam dwell on ea lot is perm at 3437 Granada Ave., R-1-5 zone, condl c-6681 9-17-64