West End Block 8
WEST END BLOCK 8.tif WWW WEST END BLOCK 8:tot 6- Permit to Bertna A. Cole to build a 4 flat bldg, within 17 1 of front property line on 29tn St. Res. 46872 8-20-28 Lot 6- Permit to Bertna A. Cole to const addn to exist gar, making 4' access & 4' rear yd, 2884 Gunn St., condl Res. 6813 9-17-52 Lot 6- Permit to Bertna A. Cole to const addn approx 8 1 x 15', above exist gar joining two sections of bldgs with 4 1 rear yd & 4 1 ace ct., 3760 29th St. Res. 8085 3-31-54