West Hollywood Map 1551card M
WEST HOLLYWOOD MAP 1551CARD M.tif WEST HOLLYWOOD,Map#l55l BLOOK M Por lot 7- Permit to Gail and Betty Schwarz, Owners, and Herman and Barbara love, Purchasers, to constr 18 ft. x 22 ft., two-story playroom and gar addn to existing non- conforming sin fam dwell; addn to obs 13 ft, front yard where 15 ft. is req, at 318- 59th St., between Balmoral Dr. and 59th St., Zone R-1-5- Cond 1l, C-12,235 N,H, 10-17-73 Lo__:-xgreement-w7ailT-:Cyo-ns-to--cons1:rucl:-second'=~~'?5r"y-r11c:nr~~ri:r~a?:'t1tml------ aaaition with bath, with both interior and exterior access at 304-59th St. AGREE 3601 11-21-86