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Development Services

West Teralta Block 1

WEST TERALTA BLOCK 1.tif WEST TERALTA BLOCK 1 ~ Lot 19- Permit to George R. Daley to erect a grocery store in Zone R-4, with SB of 15' along Meade Ave., corner Meade & Boundary. Res. 66123 6-15-37 ABOVE- and witnin l' Boundary-Iowa. Res. 66101 N of Blk 1- Permit DENIED to Canyon Rock Co., concrete material batching plant. Res. 654o8 1-19-37 Lot 2- Permit to Krandill Co. to constr a 4 unit apt at Boundary & Monroe Sts. with 7.3 SB from front p. 1. on Boundary St. Res. 220 12:..24-42 Lots 13 & 14- Permit DENIED to Corinne Wynes to make alter & 5' x 12' add incl bathroom, to exist res 2.15' sideyd, 4441 Iowa. Res. 5016 10-4-50 Lot 19m Nly 25'- Permit DENIED to Louise Thompson to erect res & gar with 6CJ!, cover, gar por to have no sideyd & entrance direct from liv quart. w side of Iowa 100' north of Meade Ave. Res. 6082 12-26-51 fro