Western Addn Block 21
WESTERN ADDN BLOCK 21.tif WESTERN ADDITION BLOCK 21 Permit to Betty Lou Derbonne and William E. & Martha Derbonne to canst 10- unit, 2-story apartment bldg. obs 12' front yard on Nimitz Blvd. and an 8' street side yard on Worden St. where a 15' front yard and 10' street side yard are required, at 2120 Worden Stri,.et between Nimitz Blvd.and Udall St. Zone R-4. /_ C-12,440 N.H. 2-26-74 0-,rvu,~~:r-1- 7------------------------------------------------------- Lots 7-12- Permit to Betty Derbonne to erect approx 30' of 6 1 hi security gate obs 31 st side yard where max 3' high fence or gate is perm in req street side yard; security gate to be electronically operated, at 2120 Worden betw Nimitz and Udall, Zone R-3.. C-12820 N.H. 9-12-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------