Western Addn Block 34
WESTERN ADDN BLOCK 34.tif WESTE:aN ADDITION BLOCK 34 SWly Lots 6-11- Permit to Elmer Piazza to erect res & gar with 5' SB on Zola St. & 15' SB on Palermo, Nly cor Zola & Palermo. Res. 5847 9-5-51 Nly Lots 14-19- Permit to Dudley Upstill to erect res with 5' SB on Alcott, 15' SB on Palermo Dr. Res. 6420 4-30-52 Nly Lots 14-19- 6 mo ext to ABOVE & amending to permit 2nd liv unit on same level as gar, not to extend above gar. Res. 6952 10-29-52 SWly Lots 1-11- Permit to Elmer & Myra Piazza to erect res with 5' SB on Zola, betw Warrington & Palermo. Res. 7203 3-4-53 SWly Lots 14-19- Permit to H.K. Doerr to const res with carport having 5' SB on Palermo. Res. 7648 8-5-53