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Development Services

Western Hills # 2

WESTERN HILLS # 2.tif WESTERN HILLS UNIT NO. 2 DENIED Lot 258- FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MIDDLETOWN (in trust for OLLIE & PHYLLIS WAGES) to erect t,wo-story addn (playrm, bath on first floor, bedrm & bath on 2nd fl) to exist one-story, sgle fam resid; addn to obs at closest point a 9' rear yd, where 20' is req; Map #3298; 2234 Milton Court, end of cul-de-sac & N. of Milton St. Zone R-1-5. C-11005 1-21-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 258- Permit to constr second story playroom addn witll bar sink to exist sin fam dwell at 2234 Milton; Ollie and Pbyllis Wages- AGREE #1751 4-10-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 194- Permit to D. A. & Joan Buddenhagen to constr a 688 sq. ft. bedroom, bath & living room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 16' rear yard where 20' is req at 5030 August St betw' August Court and Milton St, Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. C-12098 N.H. 7-26-73 Lot 220 (Money refunded, variance not necessary C-15735) 5035 Milton Street C-15735 refunded 12/26/78------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 232 ~ ZA DENIED request of MICHAEL J. & GATHERING W HAYES to enlarge existing garage at 2101 Fairfield St.. C-19606 7/16/87