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Development Services


WESTLAWN.tif WESTLAWN Lots 1 & 2- Permit to John J. Lynch, 3227 Midway Dr. to operate an auto trailer camp for a period of 1 yr from date, expires 7-30-36 at the corner of Lytton & Evergreen Sts., Res. 63367 7-30-35 Permit is again granted for a period of 2 yrs, providing land is plant with screening hedge around the property. Res 66939 12-14-37 Lots 1,2,24 & 25 & por of P.L. 239- Permit DENIED to J.J. Lynch, 3227 Midway Dr. for 20 unit trailer camp. Res. 76764 4-28-42 Lots 37,49 & 51 & por P.L. 239- Permit to Frank Faust & Herbert Kelley, owners & Peck Buick, lessee to erect 6' hi chain link fence & use R-4 par for open storage for new autos in connection with auto agency located in C zone & C-lA zone across Gaines St. where apts, rnult. dwellings, limited doctor's offices perm on Gaines St., Zone R-4, condl Ext to Exp 5-31-66 (5-27-65) Ext to Exp 5-31-67 (5-17-66) c-6436 5-6-64 Lot 49 (& Por P.L. 239)(6 40' of Lot 49)- Permit to Title Insurance & Trust Co, Trustees and Investments Securities Corp, Owner, and Peck Buick, Lessee to provide parking for new and serviced automobiles in connection with automobile agency located in "C" and CA Zone across Gaines St; at 3414 Gaines St. betw Midway Dr and Cauby St. Zone R-4. Cond'l. C-10923 12-15-n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------