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Development Services

Westridge # 3

WESTRIDGE # 3.tif WESTRIDGE #3 r; Lot. 233- Permit. to Wm. C. & Lauretta C. Brown to construct a 24 1 6n x ll' 6n family room addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs a 16 1 rear yd where 20 1 is req at 5140 Gaylord Dr., the northwest corner of its intersection with Arlington St., R-1-5 zoned C-9055 N.H. 12-23-68_...,.__________________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 236- Permit to Patrick & Marie Thompson for perm to erect 341-8" (as amended) of retaining wall ranging in height from 2' to 5!' obs a O' SB in the front yard, where a max 3' hi retaining wall is perm in a established 121 SB, at 5174 Gaylord Dr. betwn Avondale St. and Gaylord Ct, in the R-1-5 Zone- Cond~l C-12,325N.H. 11-19-73---------------------------------------------------------------~r---------------------------, Lot 251- Permit to Donald & Lillian Rfosland to construct 11'-0 x 23'-9" bedroom extension to existing single family dwelling; extension to observe a 16' rear yd where 20' is required at 3614 Wrmitage St. at the northeast corner of Armitage & Gaylord Dr. Zone R-1-Si C-12882 N.H. 10-24-74 Lot 261- Permit to Herman G. Hatley to const a sol Id yard on Glasscow Drive in estab 8 1 street side yard. C-15033 NH. 3-22-78... 6 1 fence to obs a 4 1 street side 3670 Bascomb Place. R-1-S Zone. Lot 192-~...,,gSJ~~...,~~tb'ath at 3611 Argonne Street,- zone R-1-5------- AGRrnMENT #2970, 8/29/83 Leonora Quillin owner.