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Development Services

Westwood # 16 Card 1

WESTWOOD # 16 CARD 1.tif WESTWOOD UNIT #16 i)..l CARD #1 Lot 835- Permit DENIED by ZA to SUNWEST PROPERTIES to maintain a 12' high, 512 sq, ft. subdivision identification sign where a maximum 160 sq, ft. sub sign is permitted, located at 11300 block of Aguacate Way, northeast of Alborada Drive, Zone R-1-5. c-18318 1-27-84 Portion of Lots 821 and 822- AGREEMENT with C. Schillaci to construct a half bath addition with only outside access to an existing single-family dwelling at 17820 Creciente Way, Zone Rl-5000, Agree. #A-3535 8/21/86 Lots 807-823- Board of Zoning Appeals considered the appeal of Mary G. Mathiews to maintain a 30 1 of 6' high solid wall, wallobserving at closest point a 10' front yard where maximum 3' hi wall is permitted in the required 15' front yard at 17727 Crecienta Way, BZA OVERTURNED ZA's decision to APPROVE the request, subj. to conds., Zone Rl-5000. C-19112 9/17/86-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------