Westwood Townhouses #3 Card 2
WESTWOOD TOWNHOUSES #3 CARD 2.tif WESTWOOD TOWNHOUSES #3 7((4-s-s < CARD/r Lot 13- Permit to M.J. Brock & Sons, Inc., owner and Dr. B.W. Kenny, Jr., Lessee, to use portion of existing building in shopping center as a veter- inary clinic, at 11685 Duenda Road between West BernardoDrive and I-15, Zone CA- Cond'l. ~-12,423 2-28-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 11- Permit to Avco Community Developers, Inc. to use property for sales office, signage and model homes where such use must terminate within two yrs after the recorda= tion date of the final subd map. Property is on east side of West Bernardo Dr. betw ~c j Duenda Road and Rancho Bernardo Road in the R-2A Zone. Condition. C-14131. 2-15-77-1,e.. '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.ot 13- Parcel B- Map 7114- ZA APPROVED the request of ALPHONSE RUSSON, CkvNER; HARVEST FOR CHRIST, INC., LESSEE, to establish a church within an existing camtercial building where such use is pennitted by CUP only, located at 11655 Duenda Rd., CA ZONE C 20574 2/8/91