Wheatley Hills #1 Card 1
WHEATLEY HILLS #1 CARD 1.tif WHEATLEY HILUl UNIT #1 ~f CARD #1 Lots 1-7- Permit to Wheatley Hills Assoc to use res as model homes with signs, S side Wheatley St., E of Whitney, R-1, condl, 1 yr. C-1794 4-18-58 Lot 86- Permit to Kenneth & Rosalie Eaton to const enclosed den & patio addn to sin fam dwell; addn to obs 14' rear yd where 20' is req at 2881 Brosnan St., Zone R-1. c-5630 4-25-63 Lot 12- Permit to Wheatley Hills Assoc to const res & gar with 10' SB on Mimika Pl. (15' req) at SE cor Mimika Pl. & Wheatley St., Zone R-1. C-1802 4-18-58 Lot 85- Permit to Paul L. & Barbara L. Buchanan to maint & complete patio structure att to exist sin fam res, screened in & solidly enclosed 40" above slab; patio obs 12' rear yd where 20' is req at 2871 Brosnan St., Nly of Wheatley St., zone R-1, condl C-5734 6-6-63 Lot 67- Assist Z.A. has considered appl of Guymon Starr, Inc for perm to maintain exist: (1) 19' x 37' cantilevered fibre glass and aluminum pool cover- sunshade strusture, obs 5'6" rear yd, where 20' is req (2) 10' nigh concrete block ret wall on rear prop line where max 6 1 hi wall is perm 'at 2821 Mimika Pl betw Sun and Whitney Sts in the R-1-5 Zone and after ~lderation nas APPROVED as submitted subject to tne following cond.l All necessary permits shall be secured alltneir req snall be met. C-10321 2-19-71