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Wheatley Hills #1 Card 2

WHEATLEY HILLS #1 CARD 2.tif WHEATLEY Hilts UNIT HI """ Card #2. Lot 52- Permit to Bill J. & Gloria Wright to maintain exist retain wall rang in ht from 5' to 7' with 6 1 hi chain link fence on top resulting in a total ht of 13' obs a 1' rear yd & a O' interior side yd where a max 6 1 hi retain wall with a 3' open fence on top is perm in a 20 1 rear yd & a 4 1 interior side yd at 2881 Whitney St betw Sun & Wheatley Sts Zone R-1-5. C-10833 N.H. 10-5-71 Lot 74- Permit to Mariano s. & Corazon C. Tengco for permission to use existing residence as a residential care home for five aged persons licensed by the State of California at 2844 Whitney Street between Sun & fki.eaUey Streets, in the R-1-5 Zone.- Cond. 11. c-12,159 8-31-73 Lot 74- Permit to Mariano S. & Corazon c. Tengco to use existing residence as a residential care nome for five aged persons licensed by tbe State of California, at 2844 Whitney St. Zene R~l-5, AGREE #1888 9-24-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 85- ~ermit to John & Lolita Comer to contr 10 1 x 27' llvrm & den ext to exist sinfam dwell, dwell to obs 12.5' rear yard where 20' req, 2871 Rosecrans St., Zone R-1-5. Lot 93- Permit to Techbilt Const. Co. to const & oper Ely of Genesee Ave and south of Kearny Mesa Park, zone ~,l~tis-;23-1? ~"/.7? c-13,338 10-23-75 Planned Residential R-1-5 (HR) PRD-98 Dev., located 11-12-75