Wheeler Industrial Park # 2
WHEELER INDUSTRIAL PARK # 2.tif........,,',.,'. ''.' '',.'. (-. WHEELER INDUSTRIAL PARK UN IT NO: 2 ~c} ' Lot 2- Permit to Phillips Petroleum Co., purch, & Henry L. Wheeler & Assoc., owner, as amend, to const retail service station with: 2 area lighters obs 0' side yd in Clairemont Mesa Blvd.; 2 area 1 ighters obs 0' front yd on Convoy St. where 25' front yd & 15' side yd is req & a 10' planting strip around perimeter of prop adj to public sts is req- Lot 2 Wheeler Industrial Park Unit #2 at 7801 Clairernont Mesa Blvd., SE cor Convoy St, & Clairernont Mesa Blvd., Zone M-lA granted cond'l. See L-484 Case#8744 6-13-68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 2- CUP to Southland Corporation to const and operate a gasoline sales facility at the southeast corner of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. and Convoy Street. M-lA Zone. 516-PC. 3-31-78.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- Planning Director GRANTED CUP request of SOUTHLAND CORPORATION DBA 7-ELEVEN FOOD STORES, to construct a new 1521 sq. ft. 7-Eleven express store and retain two existing pump islands located on the south side of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. betw. Convoy and Mercury Streets, in the M-lA Zone. CUP 86-0590 9/23/86