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Whitefield Subdivision Card 2

WHITEFIELD SUBDIVISION CARD 2.tif ~--CAR.D #2 Lot 23- Permit to Dennstedt Co. to erect sin fam res with 5 1 SB, graduating to 10 1 at N on lagHa Bocaw Pl. Res.#8112 4-14-54----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 23- Permit to Dennstedt Co. to erect sin fam res with 5' rear yd- on Bocaw Pl. ~es.#8113 4-14-54 Lot 8- Permit to Norman E. & Eunice M. Webb to const addn to exist res to consist of rumpus rm, bath & bdrm ext., with 5' rear yd, at 5146 Bocaw Pl., R-l. Case#544 6-25-56 Lot 6- Considered appl to Meyer & Mildred Snyder to const fam rm addd to sin fam dwll resulting in 49"/o cover. where max 40% is perm at 5134 Bocaw Pl. 350' no. of Saranac St. betw 68th & 69th St. Zone R-1-5. DENIED the req 49/o, APPROVED 47% cov. Case#6792 ll-5-64