Wiemeyer Tract Card 1
WIEMEYER TRACT CARD 1.tif T WI EMEVER TRACT, < CARD #1 Lot 14- Permit to W,M,,Wiemeyer & P.K. & Winona Matlock to split this lot into 2 par, ea 715' x 200' & permit 1 sin fam res on ea W side of 47th St., 500' N of Market St. Res.#2305 6-5-47 Sly 70' of Lot 14- Permit to H.F. Wiemeyer to const gar with 15"' side yd 59' back from front prop line, 730 47th St. Res.#3034 4-7-48 N. 70' of Lot 13- Permit to Russell & Mary K. Edgington to const duplex on por making 3 units on prop, 47th St. Res.#6370 4-16-52 Lot I- Permit to Garvin A. Perry & Engracia P. Perry, owners & County of San Diego, purch to const & opera County Welfare Office located on the N side of Market St. betw Cotton St. & 45th St. Zones R-2 & C C.U.P.#4895 6-13-62 Proposed Lots 2,3,4- Peterson Subd.- Permit to H.H. & Emily Peterson, owners & Hub Cleaners, purch to const & oper wholesale & retail dry clean & laundry plant w/120 h.p. plu~ 30 h.p. standby, w/max of 30 employees, where retail stores, laundry, max 10 h.p. & 10 employees is perm, N side Market St., 100' W of 47th St. Zone C Lots 8 & 9 & S 60' of 12 Wiemeyer Tract also included in abv. Case#6526 6-19-64 Lots 10 & 11- Map #2291 and Lots 1-4, Petersen Subdivision, Map No. 5442. Permission granted to Robert Jadlow, Permittee t~ construct a 24,075 sq.ft. commercial center in five structures on a 64,014 sq.ft. site located at the northwest corner of 47th and Market Streets in the Southeast San Diego Planned District CSF-1 SCDP #87-0852 1-8-88