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Development Services

Wilshire Place Block 1

WILSHIRE PLACE BLOCK 1.tif WILSHIRE PLACE BilDCK 1 Lots 1 & 2- Plumbing shop in connection with name at 43rd & Meade, R-4, 12989, submitted by M. Shellhamer. (See folder) 1-27-38 Lots 15 & 16- Permit to Paul Carrannanto to const 2 sin fam units to be served by 7' covered access ct., making 3 units at 4335 43rd St., R-4, condl C-936 12-27-56 Lots 9-14 & 17 & 18- Permit to Pearson Ford Co., to install & maint a park lot for tne storage of customers' cars & salesmen's demonstrators on Lots 9-14 & driveway & car storage on lots 17 & 18 as permitted in tne C-lA zone, but providing a 5' landscape strip, 2' on private & 2 1 on public property adj to 43rd St. wnere 10' landscape strip on piivate property is req at East side of 43rd St., 250' N of El Cajon Blvd., betw El Cajon & Meade Ave., Zone C-lA. C-7073 4-26-65 Lots l & 2- Permit to Pearson Ford Co. to install & maint park lot for new cars & customer trade-ins as perm in C-lA zone but providing 5' landscape strip, 2' on private & 2 1 on public property adj to 43rd St. & adj to Meade Ave., where 10' landscape on private property is req at SE cor 43rd St. & Meade Ave., Zone C-lA. 6 ~,1__ 7.3 s- c-7136 5-18-65 AMl!iNBEB-11-2-_5__________________________________________________________________________ Being a consolidation of lots 1-18 inclusive and 31-48 inclusive of Blk 1 of Wilshire Place and portions of lots 19 & 20 in Blk F of Teralta together with the unnamed alley as dedicated to public use. PM-15636 Recorded 4/13/89