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Development Services

Wilshire Place Block 2 Card 1

WILSHIRE PLACE BLOCK 2 CARD 1.tif WILSHIRE PLACE BLOCK 2 Lots 15-18- Permit to Good Shepherd Luthern Church, to const a 48' x 18 1 6 11 addn to exist church at 4335 Van Dyke Ave. with 561, cover & 111 rear yd, also rebuild gar 14' x 22' Res.. 2035 2-14-4 7 Lots 15-18- Permit to Good Shepherd Luthern Church to alter & move an exist gar with no sideyd, approx 45' from front property line at 4335 Van Dyke Ave. Res. 2225 5-8-47 Lots 31 & 32- Permit to Samuel H. Higgins to oper real estate office, part time in exist res at 4330 43rd St., condl Res. 3319 7-28-48 Lots 15-18- Condl permit to Good Shepnerd to const addns to exist church bldg 11 1 rear yd, adds no sideyd, total cover 68!;,, 4335 Van Dyke Ave.. Res. 5057 10-18-50 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to Albert H. & Virginia ~bbott to erect duplex above 4 car gar in rear of prop, making total of 3 units, 2 units served by 5' access court, at 4338 43rd St., the gar never to be conv to liv quart. Res. 8800 3-16-55-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 13-18- Permit to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church to remodel & const addn to exist church bldg which obs 11,5' rear yd & 0' side yd (15' rear & 4' side req) addn also to obs 11.5 1 rear yd & 0' side yd & making 61.9~ cover (50,, perm) at 4335 Van Dyke Ave., R-4 AMENDED 12-19-58 C-2030 9-5-58