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Development Services

Wilshire Place Block 3

WILSHIRE PLACE BLOCK 3.tif WILSHIRE PLACE BLOCK 3 Lots 17 &: 18- Permit to Vivian R. Wood, addn to front of res, back 9'10", used as beauty parlor, 4329 Copeland Ave. Res. 7244, 10-15-40 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to Krandill Mortgage & Investment Co. to erect a 4 unit apt bldg at 4334-40 Van Dyke Ave. with a 20'3" SB, less than aver in blk. Res. 386 8-26-43 Lots 31 & 32- Permit to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church to develop and maint parcel as paved parking lot in connec with church located across street at 4335 Van Dyke Ave., where parking on same or adj lot only is permitted, on Van Dyke Ave. betw El Cajon Blvd. & Meade Ave., Zone R-4, condl. c-6275 2-6-64 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to Cnarles &: Angeline LaGrece to provide 4 off-street parking spaces in 20' front yd of exist six-unit apt bldg; parking to bbs 10' distance from curb & O' distance from front p.l. where parking is req to be 18 1 from curb & 3' from front p.l. at 4334 Van Dyke Ave. betw El Cajon Blvd. & Meade Ave. Zone R-4, condl c-8731 6-28-68