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Development Services

Wilshire Place Block 5 Card 1

WILSHIRE PLACE BLOCK 5 CARD 1.tif ~ILSHIRE PLACE BLOCK 5 10 Card #1 Lots 17 & 18- Condl permit to Vernon L. & Marie J. Embery, own & E.A. ~isson, lessee to oper graphic art studio in exist gar & stge bldg at 4327 Marlborough. Res. 2071 Lots 17 & 18- Condl permit to Mrs. Marie J. Embrey, own & Andy Bucb.enau, mail order business at 4329 Marlborougb. Ave. Res. 3835 Lots 19 & 20- Permit to T.L. Norwood, purch & Elmer B. & Annie Hartman, bank bldg & paved park area, NE cor Marlborough & El Cajon Blvd., condl Res. 6621 6 mo ext to Res. 6621. Res. 7068 Lots 29 & 30- Permit to Elmer H. & Annie Hartman, own & Tyson Pontiac Co., Inc. iessee to erect bldg on rear of lots, witb. O' side yd & use in conj witb. lots 25-28 in C Zone, 4320 42nd St., condl Res. 7345 4-29-53 Lots 31 & 32- Permit to Bank of Amer. DENIED (Maude Wall, own) to use as park area for patrons o~ bank, at 4330 42nd St, Zone R-4. c-857 11-19-56 Lots 17 & 18- J?ermit to Vernon K, Embery & Marie J. Embery (Smallwood) own & Bank of Amer. NT & s, purcb. to use parcel as park lot for bank bldg at 4166 El Cajon Blvd., park obs SB 4300 blk on Marlborough, R-4, condl C-3589 9-30-60