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Development Services

Wilshire Place Block 6 Card 1

WILSHIRE PLACE BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif WILSHIRE PLACE BLOCK 6 (Lots 19 & 20- Permit to Dennstedt Co. to erect 5 car gar for stge of commercial vehicles at rear of 4110 El Cajon Blvd. Res. 1074 8-20-45 S13' of Lot 14, all 15, Nl' of 16, S40' of N80' of Lot 16, Blk E, Teralta- Permit to Ella B. Olson to convert three exist gar to 2 apt, making 3 units on the property, with 8 a~cess court, 4335 41st St., condl Res. 3563; 11-17-48 S13' of Lot 14, all 15, Nl' of 16 & 840' of N80' of Lot 16, Blk E, Teralta- Condl permit to Ella B. Olson to convert 2 gar spaces into l apt, making 4th liv unit on lot, 4337 41st st. Res. 4418 2-8-50 Lot 5, Nl2' of Lot 6- Permit to Albert w. & Sarah E. Scheel to const gar with apt over att to exist gar with apt over located in rear of exist sin fam res making a total of 3 dwell units on par, 2 rear units to be served by a 9' access court where 10' is req at 4379 41st St., betw El Cajon Blvd. & Mea'1e._Ave., Zone R-4, condl------------ c-6398 3-24-64 Lots 13-15 & Nl' of Lot 18- AGREEMENT to Ella B, Olson to convert gar space into one apt. A-632 2-9-50