Winder's Subd. Block 460
WINDER'S SUBD. BLOCK 460.tif WINDER'S SUBDIVISION BLOCK 460 S50' of Lots 35 & 36 & W2' 37- Permit yd O', rear yd 10', lot cover of 37.8% 2nd Ave. ol\((o I to Mary C. Woodworth, to erect sin faro res, side & maint SB line along Pennsylvania Ave., at 2331 Res. 70572 1-9-40 Lots 31 & 32- Permit to Valli Raichart to erect a rumpus room at 1330 w. Pennsylvania Ave. with no side yd, provided it is not used for liv quarters & an agreement to comply with that condition be signed by the owner & filed of record. Res. 1734 8-29-46 Lots 21 & 32- AGREEMENT to Valli Raicnart to const a rumpus room on the described property with no sideyd & have applied for a yd variance by application #3984, dated 7-26-46. A-426 8-29-46 Lot 21 and all that portion of Fraction of Lot 20, Pueblo Lot 1122- Permit to Manuel and Margaret Terzo] i to const a second-story bedrm, bath and family room addn that extends from the house and over garage res in 45% lot coverage. 1430 West Pennsylvania Avenue. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-15516. 11-17-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------