Wininger Subdivision Card 2
WININGER SUBDIVISION CARD 2.tif WININGER SUBDIVIS!ON l7 Card #2 Lot 2- Ronald G. Sonniksen to erect approx 10.5 sq ft gr sign wherce only wal I signs are perm t obs 3' frontyd where 10 1 estab, 8031 Linda Vista Rd, Zone CO C-13621 5-20-76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 1 & 3- Permit to 8031 Venture, DENIED as requested but APPROVED by ZA, for two 10 sq, ft. entrance and exit signs for parking. No more than 50% of the approved signs shall be devoted to title, 0 1 setback per J.F., at 8031 Linda Vista Road, Zone CO.___--------'C::.:..A=S E_#J..lO I 9-27-79____