Woodland Terrace #1 Map 2663 Card 2
WOODLAND TERRACE #1 MAP 2663 CARD 2.tif WOODLAND TERRACE UNli NO, 1 1 Map 2663 ~ Card#:-, Lot 2- ZA DENIED request of WILLIAM MOODY to constr. a 100 sq, ft, enlargement of an existing kitchen and porch to observe a 13' front yard where a 15' is established at 832 Cata! ina Blvd., Zone Rl-5000, C-18964 10/18/85-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 7- Agreement to Leigh Almack to construct one-story addition to exist- ing single-family residence, to include master bedroom and bath, family room and dining room, with both interior and exterior access, at 811 Temple Street, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3467 4/3/86---~~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------Lot_'v- Agreement ~/Ralph E. & Diane M. Bulterneier to construct two-story addition of fanu.ly roan w/bar sink; master bedroan, and bro baths to existing one-story single- family dwelling at 760 Temple St. Zone Rl-5000. AGREE: 3624 1-7:87