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Development Services

Woodland Terrace #1 (Pueblo Lot 146) Card 1

WOODLAND TERRACE #1 (PUEBLO LOT 146) CARD 1.tif WOODtAND TERRACE UNIT#l (Pueblo Lot 146) CARD #1 Lots 1-5- Condl permit to Jackson & Scott Inc. to build & oper 5 sin fam res to be used as model homes & tract offices, 60 sq ft of signs, Catalina Blvd., So of Cannon St. Res. 4460 2-23-50 Lot 47- Permit to Irvi~ U. & Anna Rue Eggerts to const bedrm & bath addn to exist res; said addn to obs 172 ' to 18 1 2" rear yd at 714 Temple St. betw Catalina Blvd. & Lomaland Dr., R-1. c-3897 NH 2-15-61 Lot 32- Permit to Ron & Catherine Perry to constr gar, ldry & workrm on fst fir & 2nd story bedrm, bath, study & familyrm to exist sin fam dwell, addns to obs 4' rearyd where 20' req, at 703 Temple St., Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. C-13253 9-16-75----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 60- Agreement to Mary E. Sowards to install double-kitchen sink in rear of addn to exs garage at 611 Savoy Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREE 2295 9-12-77.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 24- Permit to Bela Feher to construct ll'xl7' accessory building containing work room and dark room with dark room sink and \\Ork sink at 812 Tarento Drive. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2331. 12-29-77. Lot /8JAGREEMENT to remodel existing garage andconstruct a new garage to first floor adding a family room and laundry room to second level with outside entrance. GERB AND LINDA RITNEY, 712 Tarento Dr. R-1-5, 6/22/84 Agree.# 3117