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Development Services

Woodland Terrace #2 Card 4

WOODLAND TERRACE #2 CARD 4.tif WOODLAND TERRACE UNIT#2 Lot 113- AGREEMENT with MYRON & PAULINE TWEED bedroom & bathroom with access via stairway in)). CARD #4 to constr. 2nd story addn with fam. room, back yd. at 522 Tarento Dr., Zoned Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3220 1/28/85 Lot 126- ZA APPROVED fence variance request of MICHAEL J. ZDON AND SUSAN W. GRAVES, to maintain, currently in violation, (1) a max. 10'-9'' high, comb. retaining wall/solid fence within the 4' rear yard where a max. height of 12 1 is permitted, provided that no single plane exceeds 6 1 in height and that horizontal separations are provided in compliance with design criteria but DENIED request to maintain, currently in violation, (2) a max. 5'-5'' high, solid fence located within the 15', established front yard where a max. height of 6' is permitted provided the top 3 1 is 50% open and complies with design criteria; said fence (3) located within the driveway visibility area where a max. height of 3'is permitted, located at 555 Tarento Drive, Rl-5000 Zone. Conditions. C-20850 10 /10 /91 NH