Woodland Terrace #2 (Pueblo Lot 146) Card 1
WOODLAND TERRACE #2 (PUEBLO LOT 146) CARD 1.tif-~,,--- WOODLAND TERRACE UNIT f?. (Pueblo Lot 146) Card #1.l Lot 107- Permit to J.S. & Jane Wilkinson to erect approx 70 lin ft concrete blk retain wall, 3' to 5' across fr of prop & along side lot line in fr of SB line, 562 Torento Dr, Res. 6055 12-12-51 Lot 107- Permit to J,S. & Jane Wilkinson to erect approx 70 lin ft concrete blk retain wall, 3' to 5' across fr of prop & along side lot line in fr of SB line, 562 Torento Dr. (Above Res. expired). Res. 6907 10-15-52 Lot 140- Permit DENIED to Paul F. Shilling to canst bedrm & bath addn to res to obs 5' SB on Garden Ln (15' req) at 504 Savoy St. Res. 8870 4-27-55 Lot 140- Permit to Paul & Ramona R, Shilling to const addn to exist res to obs 10' rear yd, on NW cor Savoy & Garden Ln. Res. 9076 8-3-55 Lot 148- Permit to Bernard D. Lamb to const addn to exist res to obs 14' rear yd (20' req) at 545 Savoy St., Zone R-1, C-1568 12-20-57 Lot 142- Permit to Richard L. & Dorothy Bowers to const bedrm & bath add to sin res add to obs 15' rear yd (20' req) at 511 Savoy St., Zone R-1. C-2227 12-26-58 Lot 125- Permit to Julian D. & Judith G. Cale to const den addn to sin fam res, add 16 1 rear yd (20' req) 549 Torento Dr. betw Dupont St. & Garden Ln, R-1. C-3679 NH 11-10-60 tr 3