World Evangelism
WORLD EVANGELISM.tif I~ WORLD EVANGELISM Lot 1- Permit DENIED to World Evangelism Inc. to const a two-story off bldg to obs 20'Xll SB where 25' has been estab at 4665 Mercury St., 200' north of Engineers Rd., Zone M-lA. C-9350,N,H. 6-11-69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1, CUP approved by ZA with conditions, SAN DIEGO CARPENTERS UNION TRADE ASSOCIATION/KOREAN HOPE CHURCH requested to establish a church within two existing office/industrial buildings where such is permitted by CUP only; and 2) a watchman's quarters within a portion of one of said existing buildings where such use is permitted by CUP only at 4665 Mercury Street, M-lB Zone C-21340 12-8-95