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Development Services

Yacht Club Terrace Card 1

YACHT CLUB TERRACE CARD 1.tif YACRT CUTB TERRACE CARD /11 Lot 9 Erect single fam res. 51 side yd, 10 1 rear yd 40% cov, Granted to Union Title Ins & Trust C. Res 72306 10-1-40 Lot~ Permit to Florence Gustafson to const. a playroom with a 17 ft setback from center line of easement 30 ft. in width, 851 'Bn Antonio Place. Res. 4965-,_ 7-26-50 3::,-.,;i,__()-41r Lot 5 Permit to Ralph I. and Margaret M. Clark to build 4 ft. in from front property line at 869 ~n Antonio Ave. properly landscaped and r.iaintained. a.3t ft. masonry type wall prov.-he 4 ft. space is Res. #10-11-45 Lot 12 lst Natl Tr & '1\7 Bk & John D. 11.itcheJ.l to const doubJ.e gar 4 1 setback 870 <'lan Antonio Pl. Res. #.4995 4-qo~ 7-26-50 Lot 24 Condl permit to Eelen H Tayil::or & Margaret Hawken to build snack bar kitchen ih s~parate rm on lower floor of sing fa.m res 851 Rosecrans Res. #5038 10-4-50 Lot 14 John E. and Florence B.l\.rmstrong to const 16 1 x 43 1 rec & stg rm connected to ext gar and stg. room approx 520 sq ft. in area making total are~ of approx 1200 sq ft with no sideyd and no rear yd, 876