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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 10 Card 3

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 10 CARD 3.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 10 OOl"51 3 Lot L Permit to William T. Carroll to constr 4 bedroom, 2 bath addn with open carport belcn ~ addn to obs 10' rear yard from center of alley where 15' is required; exist gar to be removed at 832 Allerton ct. Zone R-2. C-5209 9-26-62 Lot F- to Alan H. & Judith Brown, Purch and Paul c. & Sharman Davis, owners to constr duplex and carport, resulting in 50.31, cov where max~ is perm on San Luis Rey Place betw Mission Blvd and Ba,yside Lane. Zone R-2, C-7350 9-21-65 *Lot N- Permit to William & Patricia Hitchcock to constr a 63 1 x 24' 2nd story apt unit to exist sin fem dwell; (1) addn to obs 2' front yard on Asbury Ct. where 15' is req (2) 3 req parking spaces to obs 5' front yard on Asbury Ct. where 15' front yard is req; (3) to provide approx 85.5 sq. ft. of landscaping in both front yard where min 4~ (900 sq. ft.) of lands- caping is req in front yards (4) addn to result in 541, cov where 5~ is perm at 824 Allerton ct. betw Bayside Lane and Mission Blvd. Cond'l. c-13076 5-14-75------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot F- Permit to Alan H & Judith Brown, to const a 15 1 x 2# 1 deck & carport addn to exist duplex; addn to result in 65% lot coverage, at 815 San Luis Rey Pl, zone R-2B. Condit. c-15712 1126/79