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Development Services

Mission Valley Industrial Park # 2

MISSION VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK # 2.tif MISSION VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK it2 $? S J:, Lot 5- The Z.A. considered the application o! V ~;. Dennis Const. Co., o r & Miner &:Vd.ner Co., lessee to erect approx 14 1 x 15', 15 1 high free standing, unlighte~ directory sign for multiple occupancy units obs 01 JB from lussion Gorge Road, where a 25' ~; is estab. Sigr to b. 1 in req 101 planting strip where no structi.:.res, including signs, are permitted, 6900 ion Gorge Road, 200 1 Nly of Old Cliffs Road, M-lA Zone and has DENIED 0 1 setback but APPROVED a SB of 10 1 for the sign & 13 1 for the nearest supporting post. Case No. 7010 3/18/65---------------------------------------------------------------