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Development Services

Zimmerman's Subd Of Block 181 Of L.L Lockling's Subd

ZIMMERMAN'S SUBD OF BLOCK 181 OF L.L LOCKLING'S SUBD.tif, ',. ZIMMERMAN'S SUB. OF BLOCK 181 OF L.L. LOCKLING 'S SUB. Lots 1 & 2- Permission to erect & operate an office & sleeping roomwitn a 3' side yard, 4 1 rear yd & a lot coverage of 501,, is nereby DENIED to Frederick N. Vollmer, Res. 76282 2-24-42 Lot 6- DENIED permit to Hans P. Jepsen to use a vacant lot, properly fenced at 1233 14tn St., for tne stge of excess bldg materials & equipment (bldg contr yd) Res. 1120 9-27-45 Lot 3- Permit to Hans P. Jepsen to use lot for commercial park lot in connec witn exist park lot on Lot 6, wnicn permits multiple dwellings, limited doctors' offices, at 1420 B St. betw 14tn & 15tn Sts., Zone R-4 condl c-4899 5-18-62---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1 & 2- To Fredricks. Sollmer to erect an auxiliary building to be used for storage & snop purposes or office use. A-191 8-10-43----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------