Cold Case: Larry Beyers

CASE DATE: January 3, 1991
2100 East Harbor
Larry Beyers, age 43, was employed as a guard by Allied Security and was working the late night shift in Lot 5 at Southwest Marine. On the night of January 3, 1991, two men attacked Beyers while he was making his rounds. The men beat and robbed Beyers and then shot him.
Beyers told officers that two men approached him, asked directions to a local freeway, and then left. They returned a few minutes later. The white male driver exited the car armed with a knife and forced Beyers into the guard shack where the man robbed Beyers of his wallet, his watch and his two-way radio. During the robbery the black male in the passenger seat yelled out, "Finish him off! Shoot him!" whereupon the white male shot Beyers and left him for dead.
The white male was described as being in his early 20s, with a tall, slender build, sandy brown hair, wearing a light-colored sweatshirt and dark pants. The black male was described as being in his early 20s, 5'11" and 195 to 200 lbs. The suspects were driving a light-colored, American 4-door sedan.
The missing property included the victim's wallet with identification, a Seiko watch, and a Motorola two-way radio, Model MX330, #9. The radio may also have had the initials SWM engraved on it.
Beyers died from complications caused by the gunshot wound several days after the attack.