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Special Events & Filming

Incentives & Production Services

Our diverse locations and unparalleled weather aren’t the only reasons to film in San Diego. Our talented crews and support services, film-friendly communities, fee-free registration process, and tax incentives through the California Film & TV Tax Credit Program 2.0 create the ideal environment for you to set your scene in San Diego.  

Local and State Incentives

The City of San Diego provides fee-free permitting/authorization for filming and no location fees for City public property, parks, beaches, or piers.. In addition, our dedicated staff will work with you to provide swift and efficient authorization for your production, on-set site visits, and outreach and coordination with City departments, agencies, and other jurisdictions for streamlined production facilitation. Other jurisdictions in the region, including the Port of San Diego, also provide a wide variety of film-friendly services and staff dedicated to meet the needs of the film industry.

The California Film & TV Tax Credit Program 2.0, administered by the California Film Commission, provides up to 25% tax credit to qualifying film and television productions shot in San Diego for qualified production expenditures. In 2015, new legislation extended the program through 2019, committing tax credit program funding to $330 million each fiscal year. For more information on the California Film & TV Tax Credit Program 2.0, visit