Street Name Blades

There are approximately 51,000 street name signs in the City of San Diego. The Street Division sign shop annually produces over 3,500 new street name sign blades which are installed by Traffic Section sign crews. Many of the 3,500 street name signs are for new streets and changing the sign blade color from green to blue. The Traffic Section is in the process of converting all street name signs to an upgraded design, incorporating a blue background, the City of San Diego seal and larger, more readable print. Installation is proceeding daily, with the goal of eventually replacing all existing green street name signs throughout the City.
The remainder of the 3,500 signs is routine maintenance replacements for the existing 51,000. The typical service life of a street name sign is between 15-20 years, at which time the signs are replaced due to sun fading. The signs are also replaced due to vandalism, traffic accidents and theft.