Request for Alternate Materials, Design or Construction Methods or Code Modifications
January 2025
This Information Bulletin outlines the application and submittal requirements necessary for processing Alternate Materials, Design or Construction Methods or a proposed Code Modifications as authorized in Land Development Code Section 129.0104 (a) 6 and Section 129.0109.
I. Submittal Requirements
The following plans and documents shall be provided along with the appropriate fees.
- Application
- Application - Alternate Materials, Design or Construction Methods or Code Modification, Form DS-104.
- The justification portion of the application must state the basis for the request and substantiate the claim of equivalency to code requirements for the proposed material, design, or construction method or code modification.
- Plans and Other Substantiating Documents
- Reports and plans shall be prepared by a licensed architect or engineer authorized by the State of California to sign reports and construction documents relevant to the deviation requested.
- Where the issue in question relates to the means of egress provisions, a complete means of egress plan shall be included.
- As applicable, a plan exhibit shall be included to graphically depict the alternatives offered and identify the additional features offered to mitigate deviations from the relevant building standard.
- Additional information substantiating claims of equivalence such as code or engineering analyses, test reports, and other background information shall be compiled in a report used as a part of the justification. Copies of documents referenced in the report not commonly available may need to be provided.
When submitted, reports shall include an executive summary listing and describing all items offered as alternatives to mitigate the requested deviations from the relevant building standard.
II. Processing Time
First review comments will be provided within 20 business days or sooner, based upon the information provided, the processing method and the complexity of the request. Incomplete packages may result in extended review periods.
III. Fees
- Alternate Materials, Design or Construction Methods or Code Modification Requests
The following fees are required to be paid prior to review unless otherwise indicated below. If, during review, it is determined that additional reviews are required, additional fees may be charged based upon an hourly rate. If it is determined that the complexity of the project requires significant research, a deposit account may be required.
Alternate Materials, Design or Construction Methods or Code Modification Requests...............................................................................................................................................$2,053.30. - Tall Building Peer Review Process
A deposit account is required to pay for a Peer review, Inspection and/or Project Management Services. The initial deposit is drawn against to pay for these services. The Financially Responsible Party will receive a monthly statement reflecting the charges made against the account, and an invoice when additional deposits are necessary to maintain a minimum balance. The payment of the invoice will be required in order to continue processing the project. At the end of the project, any remaining funds will be returned to the Financially Responsible Party.
IV. Submittal Process
When available, a reduced review period can be accomplished by paying an express fee, which is 1.5 times the standard fee (or 1.5 times the hourly rate).
For your convenience, DSD offers online payments. Please note that the application/review fees and other administrative fees are non-refundable. See the Refund Policy noted within Refund Application Form DS-721 for additional refund information.
All requests for alternates and code modifications must be submitted electronically through the online portal. Select Other under Miscellaneous Applications.
Upload the application, any necessary construction plans and, where applicable, a report as separate documents identified by the document types available in the DSD web portal.
VIII. Previous Versions of this Information Bulletin
This section contains previous versions of this Information Bulletin by the last day they were effective.