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Development Services

Temporary Outdoor Business Operation Permit

Examples of Compliant Outdoor Expansion

Permitted businesses may expand onto the sidewalk and/or street parking lane for retail sales and eating and drinking purposes. This allows for the placement of items for sale and tables and chairs on the sidewalk and/or street parking lane. Below are examples of completed expansions that are compliant with current guidelines.

  • Dining tables placed on barricaded parking spacesNote how the street parking lane is kept free of debris and grime to prevent pollutants and contaminants from entering the adjacent storm drain system.
  • Dining tables placed on barricaded parking spacesNote: (1) The use of retroreflectors on barriers in multiple slides. (2) How the floor and ground surface covering is stable, firm, and slip-resistant. It is also securely attached with the pile cut at a max height of ½ inch (12.7 mm). (3) The exposed edges of carpet turf are properly secured to prevent it from getting tangled in the wheels of the wheelchair or scooters creating an obstruction for such wheels to maneuver.
  • Dining tables placed on a sidewalkNote how the clear path on the sidewalk is at least 4-feet wide and the use of umbrellas. Canopies or umbrellas may be used in conjunction with an outdoor business expansion but shall not be used as a permanent roof or shelter over the sidewalk cafe area.
  • Dining tables placed on a sidewalkA clear path, free of all obstructions to the flow of pedestrian traffic, shall be provided in the public right-of-way and shall always be maintained.
  • Dining tables placed on a sidewalkNote how a clear path, free of all obstructions to the flow of pedestrian traffic, is provided and maintained.
  • Dining tables placed on a sidewalkNote how a clear path, free of all obstructions to the flow of pedestrian traffic, is provided and maintained.
  • Dining tables placed on barricaded parking spaces
  • Dining tables placed on barricaded parking spaces
  • Dining tables placed on a sidewalk
  • Dining tables placed on a sidewalk
  • Dining tables placed on a sidewalk
  • Dining tables placed on a sidewalk