The San Diego Promise Zone is a “moving train,” propelling our partners, along with community residents, to collaborate as they pursue funding, share data, build each other’s capacity, and champion equity. This tool helps facilitate that collaboration, producing a map of partners’ programs, resources, and missions—and creating actionable data that we can use to better align efforts toward achieving our shared goals and attracting needed resources to the city.
The 15 minutes you invest in this survey will help us connect you with other partners around timely, impactful funding opportunities; offer opportunities for capacity building, bring in new partners where gaps exist; and focus priority projects around areas of strength and momentum.
If your work affects the San Diego Promise Zone, and its residents, please complete the survey to let us know how you dedicate your resources and efforts by age and outcome—and how you embark on this work.
For each organization, please answer all the questions. If you are not certain about an answer, you may leave it blank and come back to it before completing the survey. The Promise Zone team will follow up with organizations to confirm all information.
Please contact with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your time, and for helping us strengthen the San Diego Promise Zone.