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City Council

The People's Business - April 12, 2021

With the federal tax filing deadline extended this year to May 17, some will have more time to procrastinate and dedicate more mental focus on the April City Council meetings.  Tomorrow’s meeting includes the vote on a contract with a new ambulance services provider and a salary ordinance from the Mayor’s office.

From the Office of Council President Jennifer Campbell Campbell


City Council Meeting – April 13, 2021

Councilmembers will convene the Closed Session at 9 a.m. to address several items.  At approximately 11 a.m. (or later) the Open Session will begin and cover the listed agenda.


101 Ash

The docket lists four consent items.   Two of the items settle claims by contractors regarding work on 101 Ash Street.  One authorizes $2,000,000 in Highway Bridge grant funding for the El Camino Real to Via De La Valle Project.



One ceremonial proclamation honors the work of City Employee Bruce Martinez who started working at the City of San Diego in May of 1988 as a Parks and Recreation Department recreation aid.  Since 2018, he has held the role of Director of the Community Parks I Division.



Campaign Zero Report:  Evaluating Policing in San Diego (Item 330) - In December 2019, Campaign Zero released a report evaluating the policing practices of San Diego Police Department and San Diego Sheriff’s Department using data on police stops, searches, use of force, and arrests obtained through public records requests.  This data was based on data sets from 2014-2019, including Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA) data from 2018-2019.  This is an informational item only.


FalckApproval of Contract with Falck Mobile Health Corp. for Emergency Ambulance Service (Item 331) – The City issued a Request for Proposal and Falck Mobile Health Corp. has been selected as the successful contractor through competitive process.   San Diego Fire-Rescue proposes the approval of an ordinance to execute the Emergency Medical Service Contract with Falck.  The current contract for services would expire six months after a resolution approving a contract.


Salary Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2022 (Item 332) - San Diego Charter section 290 requires that the Salary Ordinance be proposed by the Mayor for introduction to the City Council no later than April 15 each year.  The Salary Ordinance establishes compensation schedules for all officers and employees of the City of San Diego for Fiscal Year 2022 whether they are represented by one of the City’s six recognized employee organizations or are unrepresented, in accordance with Charter section 70 and 130.


2021 Appointment of Audit Committee Public Member (Item 333) – The City’s Audit Committee is comprised to two City Council member and three public members with the “independence, experience and technical expertise necessary to carry out the duties of the Audit Committee.”  The City Council will appoint one public member for a term ending January 5, 2025.  The screening committee determined the two applicants are qualified candidates and unanimously recommended the City Council consider them for the Audit Committee vacancy. The two candidates are Andy Maffia and Anandha Subramanian


El Paseo Grande HomeAppeal of the Environmental Determination for 8423 El Paseo Grande (Item 334) – Development Services Department asks the council to approve or deny an appeal which would allow the demolition of a single-story 1,528 sq. ft. house and detached garage at 8423 El Paseo Grande in the La Jolla Shores area and build a 3,989 sq. ft. two-story house.




Housing Authority Agenda...

Application for State of California Housing and Community Development Local Housing Trust Fund Program Funding (HA-1868) - The Housing Authority will consider approving changes to a previous resolution and authorize committment of $5 million in matching funds on a dollar-for-dollar basis from the City of San Diego’s Affordable Housing Fund from the State.


To participate in the meeting, click on the agenda and follow the instructions. You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or  stream it online (link is external). 

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