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City Council

The People's Business - April 6, 2021

Two committee meetings start the month of April.  Active Transportation and Infrastructure carries a lighter load of items, while the Budget and Government Efficiency Committee has a full agenda. This will be the last before Budget Review Committee begins in May.

From the Office of Council President Jennifer Campbell Campbell


Budget and Government Efficiency Committee – April 7, 2021 – 9 am

Committee Chair Chris Cate leads the Budget and Government Efficiency Committee Meeting which has nine items on the agenda.   

Airport BudgetItem 7 – FY 2021 Amendment to the Airports Fund Budget - The Real Estate Assets Department seeks a resolution to increase The Airports Fund Budget which requires an increase of $1.52 million in non-personnel expenditure appropriations.  The funds would go towards non-personnel expenditure including $340,000 to maintain department operational, $900,000 for environmental clean-up due a recent plane accident and $ 270,000 for the amendment of the Airport’s master plan


Item 8 – Wastewater Cost of Service Study and San Diego County Water Authority Pass Through - This informational item is an opportunity to discuss the recently released cost of service study for wastewater as well as a proposal to increase water rates to cover San Diego County Water Authority charges for water purchases. This item is presented several months in advance of the required noticing under California Proposition 218, in order to obtain public comment and feedback, for proposed January 2022 rate adjustments.


Item 9 – FY 2021 Revenue Update Report - The Revenue Update Report is being presented to the Budget and Government Efficiency Committee as an informational report. This report will provide information on specific General Fund revenues, and the Federal Stimulus monies to be received by the City of San Diego.  This will be particularly important as budget discussions begin in just a few weeks.


Active Transportation and Infrastructure Committee – April 7, 2021 – 2 pm

Committee Chair Marni Von Wilpert leads the discussion in the ATI Committee with four items on the agenda.


Road OverlayItem 4 – Street Resurfacing Program Update – Transportation & Storm Water Department will provide the ATI Committee an update on the Street Resurfacing Program.  This presentation will detail pavement treatment types, discussion of condition assessment scores, historical repair quantities, repair prioritization factors, multimodal improvements, and the process for selecting streets for repairs. Additionally, information about the City’s Asset Management Program and the bundling of multiple asset priorities, such as pipeline repair and street resurfacing, will be discussed by the Engineering & Capital Projects Department.



Item 1 – Regional Transportation Congestion Improvement Program (RTCIP) Fiscal Year 2022 Fee Schedule Adjustment – The TransNet Extension Ordinance requires that the RTCIP exaction be increased annually by no less than 2% per year.  The Planning Department seeks to adopt a resolution to approve a 2% increase to the RTCIP Fee Schedule, consistent with exaction as approved by the SANDAG Board of Directors on February 26, 2021.


To participate in the meeting, click on the agenda and follow the instructions. 

You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or stream it online

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