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City Council

The People's Business - Feb. 2, 2021

It’s a light week for committees with only the Budget and Government Efficiency Committee meeting on Wednesday.  One of the items on the list will likely weigh heavy on people’s minds.

Budget and Government Efficiency Committee Meeting – Feb. 3, 2021

District Six Councilmember Chris Cate chairs the Budget Committee which has four items on the agenda.


ITEM 1 - FY 2021 Mid-Year Budget Monitoring Report  –  This report gives the City Council and the public an update on the City’s finances, revenues and expenditures.  The Department of Finance will also give detail and analysis of year-end projections using Statistical data, economic analysis and other factors to give perspective on the City’s financial situation. 


ITEM 2 - Clean Water SRF loan to the Stormwater System for South Mission Beach Storm Drain and Green Infrastructure projects – The Debt Management Department seeks to authorize the Mayor to implement the Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan.   The money would go towards funding the South Mission Beach Storm Drain and Green Infrastructure projects for $27 million. The department is also calling on the City to dedicate and pledge net revenues of the Storm Drains Revenue Fund to repay the fund for the projects.


Fleet Services Photo

ITEM 3 – Authorization to Execute a Cooperative Procurement Contract for Heavy Equipment -  Fleet services is looking to authorize a contract with Hawthorne Equipment Co. to purchase heavy construction equipment ad related parts and equipment.  The contract will not exceed $15,500,000.



ITEM 4 – 2021 Budget & Government Efficiency Committee Work Plan – In December, Committee Chair Chris Cate requested input from members about the committee’s priorities for the year.  The Work Plan also included input from the general public.  This is an informational item.

To participate in the meeting, click on the agenda and follow the instructions.

You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or stream it online.

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