Equity Forward: Park Needs Index
Projected Completion: 2025

With the need for additional recreational opportunities and parkland increasing yearly, the Park Needs Index will identify the areas of the City with the greatest park needs and where the development of additional recreational value and parkland will have the greatest impact for community members. This systematic evaluation of park metrics will consider the quantity, quality, safety and accessibility of parks along with various social factors. The park metrics used in the Park Needs Index will be identified through a public process.
Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus
This initiative focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:
Protect & Enrich Every Neighborhood
Ensures amenities are geographically distributed, serving all of San Diego's diverse communities.
Prioritizes citywide investments in park-deficient communities.
Increases access to recreational amenities
Advance Mobility & Infrastructure
Improves geographic distribution of road, transit, bike, and pedestrian infrastructure.
Plans and programs for projects that create complete streets and complete corridors.
Champion Sustainability
Prioritizes equitable investments in parks and open space in areas with the greatest deficiencies.
Increases San Diego’s urban tree canopy, with a focus in Communities of Concern.