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Youth Commission - NEW

About Us

The City of San Diego’s Youth Commission is a crucial advisory body, bridging the gap between young residents and the city's leadership. Its primary objectives include:

Advisory Expertise: The commission offers youth-led insights and recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on various important matters such as education, employment, housing, and mental health.

Amplifying Youth Voices: It serves as a dedicated platform to ensure the diverse voices and perspectives of San Diego's youth are actively considered in municipal decision-making processes.

Empowering Youth Advocacy: Through active participation, it empowers young individuals to advocate for change, enabling them to contribute directly to shaping policies that affect their lives and futures.

Building Skills and Knowledge: Members benefit from valuable educational opportunities in civic engagement, public policy, leadership, and networking.

Community Engagement: Being part of the Youth Commission fosters a sense of community and collaboration among like-minded young individuals who share a commitment to improving the city.