Technical Bulletins
Technical Bulletins clarify the application and interpretation of code requirements, policies or procedures.
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Occupancy Classification of a Building with Assembly Use
The purpose of this Technical Bulletin is to clarify the occupancy classifications of a building or portion thereof that has spaces used for assembly purposes.
Return Air Duct Through Garage/Dwelling Separations
This Technical Bulletin clarifies construction requirements for plenums used as return air for forced air units (FAUs). These requirements apply to air duct penetrations through the fire-rated wall separating a dwelling unit from a private garage.
Fire Separation Requirement for Parking Under Overhang
The purpose of this Technical Bulletin is to describe fire resistive separation requirements when a residential occupancy cantilevers over a parking space.
Determination of Building Height in the Coastal Height Limitation Overlay Zone
The purpose of this Technical Bulletin is to illustrate how building height is determined for buildings and structures located in the Coastal Height Limitation Overlay Zone (also referred to as Proposition). Costal height limitation overlay zone shall be referred to a costal zone herein after.
Impact Protection for Fire-Resistant Columns
This Technical Bulletin describes some acceptable methods of protecting the fire-resistive covering of columns that are subject to impact.
Design and Testing Requirements for Smoke Control Systems
The purpose of this Technical Bulletin is to provide the smoke control guidelines and requirements to the building permit applicant. This bulletin also describes the minimum requirements for smoke control design and special inspection.
Maximum Floor Area Allowances Per Occupant
This Technical Bulletin details the maximum floor area allowances per occupant for various spaces.
Floor and Wall Finishes in Toilet, Bath and Shower Spaces
This technical bulletin provides information on acceptable floor finishes and wall finishes in toilet, bath and shower spaces.
Combustible Water-Resistive Barriers in Exterior Walls of Type III Construction
This Technical Bulletin establishes acceptable water-resistive barrier (WRB) materials to be used in exterior walls for buildings of Type III construction with heights greater than 40 feet above grade plane.
Maintenance and Servicing of Seismic Instrumentation for New Buildings
This Technical Bulletin establishes the maintenance and servicing requirements for Earthquake Recording Instrumentation.